Serpentine Studies has a live (in person) training *once* a year


MARCH 1 - 11, UBUD, BALI (2021)

10 days // 40 hours // 1 day break in between

(For details and registration scroll down)

Serpentine Studies is a (tribal fusion belly dance) movement modality based on meta-learning: learning how to learn. By understanding and mastering the skill building process it becomes easy to teach ourselves a new skill - any new skill - in a fraction of the time it is 'supposed' to take.

Tribal Fusion - intricate isolations, locks, and fundamental directions and shapes like circles and figure 8's - are used as the foundation in Level 1. In Level 1 we calibrate the body vessel, we tune the body instrument, we refine our awareness of body mechanics - to become the highest quality conductors for universal energy to move through us.

In level 2 we transcend the dance style and bring forth our own, completely unique expression and movement style. Serpentine Studies believes that any dance style is never the purpose, but a means to an end. Any dance style, any type of movement, can be used to gain access to the source where *all* movement originates from.

From this place, then, do we start to let our soul express itself. This is what makes for a truly unique dancer, one that has not only mastered technique, nor dance style, but shines forth his or her character, transmits a unique message. The dancer, is being danced.


LEVEL 1 : FORM ᠅ MASTERY (day 1-5)

“Freedom to a dancer means discipline. That is what technique is for – liberation.”

Serpentine Studies level 1 is all about mastery of form, meaning technique. In L1 the emphasis is really in the details, taking the tiniest possible element of each movement and drilling those to perfection.

The basic directions and shapes, all the tiniest elements of the body, are the holy grail of Serpentine Studies level 1. Whereas most tribal fusion classes begin at the level of whole shapes (maya, chest 8, etc), SS aims to start at the smallest possible segment of each movement. Only this level of precision guarantees full awareness of the body mechanics involved.

In level 1 we don’t just train, we learn what effective training really is and we learn to become masters at learning, which inevitably accelerates the learning curve - dramatically. In this training you will learn all about how training works and many, many tips, tricks, and hacks to make your training more fun, effective, and efficient.

You will see that L1 naturally and organically evolves from one tiny element to the next and then gradually putting it all together. In SS we don’t work with combinations, rather we work with pathways, phrases, and serpentine movements. What this means is that SS teaches you a language from the ground up (SS teaches you HOW to dance; not WHAT to dance).


LEVEL 2 : FLOW ᠅ MYSTERY (day 7-11)

"The only reason for mastering technique is to ensure the body does not limit the soul from expressing itself"

Serpentine Studies level 2 is all about transcending technique, entering flow states, and crafting your own unique dance language through channeling your unique and highest expression.

The ultimate aim of SS is entering flow states: states of slightly altered (heightened) consciousness where we are being danced.

Flow states are a bridge between worlds; we embody and materialize a higher frequency right here and now. This is what makes this dance style so captivating, hypnotizing and mesmerizing, it’s something the mind can’t quite grasp but there’s a deep inner knowing that we’ve just witnessed something out of the ordinary. The dance then transcends beauty or even art, and becomes a transmission for healing, awakening, and remembering. A catalyst that impels us to find out the truth about who and what we are.

In Level 2 we train to enter flow states at will, and we learn how to discover our own unique dance signature. We go beyond the dance style, and enter the realm where we find our own Avatar: the language of our higher self or soul.



MARCH 1-11 (10 days) in UBUD, BALI

Price: € 850

Early Serpent: € 750 (until August 1st)
(Payment plan available)
Daily schedule: 9-11 am & 15:00 - 17:00

Total of 40 hours

Training includes the official Serpentine Studies handbook (including access to the LIVE (online), ever expanding and updating version

Certificate of Completion (making you eligible for the Serpentine Studies Teacher Training, starting 2020)

Location: Karma House Bali

Training does not include: accommodation & meals

All sales are final. No refunds. Tickets can be sold/transferred to another person. In case the training gets canceled due to COVID regulations, the training will be postponed with exactly one year (march 2022).


20 spots available
To reserve your spot send your deposit of €250 to [email protected] via PayPal.
Full tuition is due by January 1st

LEVEL: intermediate

All levels welcome, a good foundation of the belly dance fundamentals will make that you get much more out this training. Recommended to do my complete beginners course (if beginner) and the rest of my online format (if intermediate) as much as you can prior to the training to get the most out of it.



"You have such an incredible mind and you are able to see the problems of your students and pinpoint exactly what needs to change in order to get results. You have the most exquisite way of systematizing skill building. You can hack the process of growth at speeds of light. You are like a space and time bender because of how you harness the mind and push it towards certain configurations to bypass the time and years of maturation. You are like a shaman of physical control. Truly you are like a spirit having become fully conscious of its body and then taking total freedom back into its hands claim the autonomy of life and of human evolution.

I swear on everything you’re one of the most incredible teachers I’ve ever met, you remind me a lot of Aristotle but an otherworldly Aristotle lol. Astral Aristotle haha."

NAMI ALSHAER - Serpentine Student Bali '18



If you think you know your maya’s, chest circles and sidewinders - think again. Not all fundamentals are treated equal, and the SS motto is if you can’t blow their minds with a single movement, you haven’t fully unlocked that movement. In this masterclass we will explore our muscles and fascia (deep tissue) and body mechanics to see how we can elevate the ordinary basics to level #mindfuck.

The class that most people that come to Serpentine Studies come for. With elements from the world of hip hop you'll learn everything you need to make your dance look out of this world.

Not the most juicy or exciting class, but the one that will most accelerate your dance skills over time. We break down the components of tribal fusion/the serpentine studies format, look at how the brain works to understand effective and efficient training (no more wasted time wondering what to do in the studio), and make well-rounded training programs that give you the most bang for your buck. In this masterclass we also learn to go beyond the basics and explore every tine little detail of the body and how it links to every other body part. This element of Serpentine Studies is most credited as elevating dancer’s to the next level.

Special 30 minute sessions that cover strength, flexibility, and drilling ALL the fundamentals - in a vinyasa yoga flow style to dope beats!! If I had to pick one thing that was a game-changer for me, is to drill and train in a way that is FUN yet also highly intelligent.

A concept unique to Serpentine Studies, the bridge between training and dancing - and my secret to FAST skill building. Learn how to build pathways in your brain and make your dance come together and create your *own* dance language.



Imaya is an incredible dancer, but a phenomenal teacher, and this is an important distinction to make when you are looking to learn from someone. Some people are best left as muses, while others have what it takes not only to elevate their own craft but that of others too. Anyone can teach you the basics, not everyone can teach you how to master them. Anyone can teach you a few combinations, not everyone can draw you an accurate map of how to go from absolute basics to really intricate technique and subtle nuances and everything in between. Many people will be able to teach you a dance style, few are able to teach you how to be creative, how to train efficiently, how to let dance be your teacher! Serpentine Studies is a training like no other and will revolutionize your relationship to learning, movement, and creativity.

Samantha Marie - Serpentine Studies class January '18


mail [email protected] for waitlist!



5 DAYS // 20 HOURS

Daily schedule: 10 - 12 am + 3 - 5 pm

Training elements:

If you think you know your maya’s, chest circles and sidewinders - think again. Not all fundamentals are treated equal, and the SS motto is if you can’t blow their minds with a single movement, you haven’t fully unlocked that movement. In this masterclass we will explore our muscles and fascia (deep tissue) and body mechanics to see how we can elevate the ordinary basics to level #mindfuck.

The class that most people that come to Serpentine Studies come for. With elements from the world of hip hop you'll learn everything you need to make your dance look out of this world.

Reaching flow states - and beyond - is a skill in and of its own. What makes Serpentine Studies unique is that we put more emphasis on learning how to drop into flow states and channeling (the highest potential of flow states, where it feels as though your body is completely moved by universal intelligence and you are the witness), than combinations and choreography. The benefit of dancing in flow and channeling states is that you are training on a really high level, without even trying. You are not consciously learning - but you are imprinting your brain and body with high voltage information which over time becomes more and more easily accesible to you. In SS there is a big emphasis on learning how to drop into flow and channeling states more and more readily and rapidly.

Serpentine arms differ from tribal fusion arms in that they are more based on hiphop and animation rather than ATS belly dance. Finger, hand, and arm positions, flows and drills to turn your arms into cobra’s!

Not the most juicy or exciting class, but the one that will most accelerate your dance skills over time. We break down the components of tribal fusion/the serpentine studies format, look at how the brain works to understand effective and efficient training (no more wasted time wondering what to do in the studio), and make well-rounded training programs that give you the most bang for your buck. In this masterclass we also learn to go beyond the basics and explore every tine little detail of the body and how it links to every other body part. This element of Serpentine Studies is most credited as elevating dancer’s to the next level.

Special 30 minute sessions that cover strength, flexibility, and drilling ALL the fundamentals - in a vinyasa yoga flow style to dope beats!! If I had to pick one thing that was a game-changer for me, is to drill and train in a way that is FUN yet also highly intelligent.

Learn how flexibility works and how to stretch in a way that feels amazing and is FUN so you’re actually looking forward to doing it! Includes the best stretches for opening the chest, shoulders & back - all the essential yet tricky TF body parts.

Imaya is batshit crazy - overheard in class. It’s all true. Omi’s + arm locks? Maya’s + chest circles? Shimmies + foot work + chest diamonds???? Your brain will melt, and your body will do things you never thought possible (or die trying).

Size matters and while big juicy gooey movements are the emphasis of most dancers there is something magical about tiny micro movements - if you know how to do them well. Learn how to layer micro locks on top of basically any foundational movement like chest circles, sidewinders, mayas, omis, etc - and how to create intricate lock patterns.

The secret to hacking any dance move, enabling crazy layers and speeds, etc. Deep practice teaches you how to improve the quality of your training, so you can decrease the amount of time you need to reach your goals.
In this masterclass you will also be introduced to two very special apps that are going to revolutionize your dance training - guaranteed.

A concept unique to Serpentine Studies, the bridge between training and dancing - and my secret to FAST skill building. Learn how to build pathways in your brain and make your dance come together and create your *own* dance language.

Because fun.

A masterclass covering ALL temple elements I infuse my dance with. Temple dance is sacred and sultry, aesthetically pleasing, and incredibly potent and pleasurable to dance. We will be covering postures/shapes, arm & hand placements, mudras, feet & walk patterns, head & eye movements, and how to fuse temple elements with tribal fusion dance. Authentic Indian and Balinese dance elements from my time living in these places.

- How to learn from others even when they’re not your teacher
- Cool mindfulness techniques that help you stay dropped in even when performing
- How to train when you literally have no time...

* Serpentine Studies complete format handbook: everything discussed in the training - and more.
* Certificate of completion (20 hours going towards SS teacher certification - requires 60 hours and online test)
* Personalized and hands-on feedback and assists
* Recommended reading list

All levels welcome, a good foundation of the belly dance fundamentals will make that you get much more out this training. Recommended to do my complete beginners course (if beginner) and the rest of my online format (if intermediate) as much as you can prior to the training to get the most out of it.

GRAB YOUR SPOT (last training sold out in 2 weeks)
15 spots - €350

To reserve your spot send a €200 deposit to [email protected] (PayPal).
The remaining €150 is due August 31 latest.
(To transfer by bank please send me a message!)

For all Serpentine Studies trainings;

All sales are final. No refunds. Tickets can be sold/transferred to another person.