"You have such an incredible mind and you are able to see the problems of your students and pinpoint exactly what needs to change in order to get results. You have the most exquisite way of systematizing skill building. You can hack the process of growth at speeds of light. You are like a space and time bender because of how you harness the mind and push it towards certain configurations to bypass the time and years of maturation. You are like a shaman of physical control. Truly you are like a spirit having become fully conscious of its body and then taking total freedom back into its hands claim the autonomy of life and of human evolution.
I swear on everything you’re one of the most incredible teachers I’ve ever met, you remind me a lot of Aristotle but an otherworldly Aristotle lol. Astral Aristotle haha."
NAMI ALSHAER - Serpentine Student Bali '18
“As a student of this training I can tell you that it provided me with skills not only to move forward in mastering her serpentine modality but skills that taught me how to truly and masterfully teach myself the depths of any skill I wanted. To tap into the essence of that which I was learning and mesh myself into those dimensions, which I have applied since then to many different genres of dance, singing, and instrument learning.
Imaya is a teacher’s teacher, a sage in all things imparting the learning mechanisms of mind, body, and spirit in alignment. Can fully vouch for the effectiveness of this! I have used it to hack skill building in all areas and now progress at insanely accelerated speeds in whatever it is I set my spirit, and Imaya’s incredible methods of focused devotion, to. She is the brilliance of the future and its boundless potential embodied. Do nooot pass up the opportunity to take part in any of her offerings, her gift is more than just what she packages .. her gift is what her presence imparts and how it hands the power back to you to move forward in renewed relationship to your path with higher autonomy and freedom in all ways.”
“In the book of talent they talk about ignition.
First of all I would like to tell you that you were my ignition. Super stars "I'm dancing for 15 years and 12 hours a day" are kind of unapproachable and make you think it's too late or not possible (depending on your mindset of course, but I was like that)... but thanks to you I started to believe that it would be possible to go to the next level because you did it. And it was really a massive change for me. I started to believe that everything is possible.
Since the beginning of the year I really kicked my dancing by religiously using the same tips you taught us: precisely using deep practice tips + the schedule board + the pathways Definitely the deep practice (slow it down + on relevé + on one feet... focusing) made the biggest difference. When you told us, I sincerely believed it but until you experience it, it's still like "its for the others, not for me". Now that I can really feel that deep practice flow state I'm like "it's reeeaaal". And the secret is what you were repeating us : XXXXXXXXXXXX. Also I'm still using the ways you deconstruct movements (thinking about undulation or bodywave for example). Now I'm still using regularly the routine but as a maintenance support, when I don't want to think much.
Anyway, to sum up, I had everything within me but you helped and guided me to unveiled it, you gave me confidence that It was possible. Today I feel so much more in peace and confident with my art than I was before, i have damn more FUN, I feel creative and inspired and I started teaching. I dont think I would be there without you and the serpentine school.”
Imaya is an incredible dancer, but a phenomenal teacher, and this is an important distinction to make when you are looking to learn from someone. Some people are best left as muses, while others have what it takes not only to elevate their own craft but that of others too. Anyone can teach you the basics, not everyone can teach you how to master them. Anyone can teach you a few combinations, not everyone can draw you an accurate map of how to go from absolute basics to really intricate technique and subtle nuances and everything in between. Many people will be able to teach you a dance style, few are able to teach you how to be creative, how to train efficiently, how to let dance be your teacher! Serpentine Studies is a training like no other and will revolutionize your relationship to learning, movement, and creativity.
Samantha Marie - Serpentine Studies class January '18